Πέμπτη 15 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011

Νεωτερισμοί - Είδη προικός

Θυμάστε  τα : Νεωτερισμοί - Είδη προικός? (ακόμα  υπάρχουν)  που  γυρνούσαν  από  γειτονιά  σε  γειτονιά  και  από  πλατεία  σε  πλατεία????
δηλ.  μία  κινητή  μπουτίκ!!!
 ορίστε  μια  παρόμοια  ιδέα  στην  Αμερική  αλλά .....με  vintage  cloths,  accesorize,  make  up...από  δυο  φρέσκα  άτομα  με  πολύ  ενθουσιασμό!!!
το  φορτηγάκι  είναι  υπέροχο,  μαζί  με  την  ιδέα!!!! Ενθουσιάστηκα!!!!!

Meet Stacey and Jeanine. They are two Fabulous entrepreneurs with the most adorable truck in the whole wide world: Le Fashion Truck. It’s filled with vintage, new, make-up, jewelry, and accessories! They even have a dressing room in there. We just love these girls and their Fab truck.

 What inspired you to start Le Fashion Truck?
I was looking for an easier and creative way to set up my vintage booth at local flea markets, street fairs, and other local events. The idea to go mobile came one day while I was vending at a local farmers market. I was sitting in my 10×10 booth when a brightly decorated food truck drove in with a long line of customers following loyally behind. My first exposure to the food truck movement, I told Jeanine about the idea of a mobile boutique, and she loved it! With 2 jewelry lines that I’m a personal fan of, we decided to take our businesses on the road and together we created Le Fashion Truck!

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